Frequently Asked Questions
If you don’t find the answer to your question here, please stop by the office or give us a call (859) 986-9031. We are available Monday – Friday from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm.

When will late fees be applied to my account?
How will I know if my service is in jeopardy of being cut off?
Is there a fee to reconnect service?
Can I make a payment by phone?
Can my payment be automatically drafted from my bank account?
How can I find out the average bill for the property I am moving to?
Where are you located?
Who are the Board Members/Commissioners?
Who is the Manager/Superintendent?
When are the Board Meetings held?
What do I do before I dig?
Where does our water come from?
The Southern Madison Water District purchases water from Berea Municipal Utilities. The water supply is surface water which is better known as Owsley Fork, Cowbell, Kales and B lakes located on Berea College properties.
How much is the connection fee?
There is a $50 deposit, along with a $15.50 activation fee to set up new service.
When will late fees be applied to my account?
Late charges apply on the 11th of each month unless the 10th falls on a weekend or holiday, in which case it will be the next working business day.
How will I know if my service is in jeopardy of being cut off?
If your service is scheduled to be disconnected, the cut-off date will be printed on the late notice.
Is there a fee to reconnect service?
The reconnection fee is $15.50.
The after-hours reconnection fee is $51.00.
Can I make a payment by phone?
We accept credit card payments by phone Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. For Credit/Debit card payments the fees as of June 1, 2022 will be a $2.50 processing fee will on all charges up to $200.00 and after $200.00 the processing fee will be generated at a percentage rate of the applied amount.
Can my payment be automatically drafted from my bank account?
Yes, please come in to sign up for bank drafts. Your account will be drafted on the 10th of each month, unless the 10th falls on a weekend or holiday, in which case it will be processed the next business day.
How can I find out the average bill for the property I am moving to?
There are many factors that must be considered, such as how many people were living in the house, their usage habits (amount of laundry, dishwasher vs. hand washing, how many showers each day), etc. We are not able to provide information on prior usage. It is best to look at your last bill and compare that with our rate sheet.
Please note: We are water only. If you previously received city service, it may have included sewer, storm water, and garbage or other services.
Where are you located?
We are located at:
207 North Dogwood Drive
Berea, Kentucky
Who are the Board Members/Commissioners?
Larry Todd – Chairman
Ron Devere – Secretary
Leonard Bratcher – Treasurer
Who is the Manager/Superintendent?
Wayne Robinson
When are the Board Meetings held?
Board Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at 10am.
What should I do before I dig?
Before you dig, please call our office to schedule a locate/flag water lines. Please call at least 3 days prior to the excavation to allow us the required time for marking the site. Please respect the marked blue flag area and dig with care. Remember to Call 811 Before You Dig at 811 or 800-752-6007 or you can go to their website at for more information.